Are you ready for another sweet class in Febuary. I have been very busy working on new class for the next couple of months so be on the look out. This Vintage Photo House is just the sweetest thing.
Take my class or just buy a kit
and Create this
Sweet Vintage Photo House.
You will learn how to make
Sweet Paper Roses
and take home a completed
Vintage House
ready to display your
favorite photos.
Perfect for a Birthday or
Mother's Day gift.
I will also teach you a trick in making your photos a differnt color.
Roberts in Centerville
Thurday, Febuary 24th 12 noon - 2 pm
Thurday, Febuary 24th 12 noon - 2 pm
Roberts in South Jordan
Monday Febuary 28th 10 am -12 noon
Roberts in Sandy
Monday Febuary 28th 1:30 pm - 3:30pm
Roberts in American Fork
Monday March 7th 12 noon - 2 pm